IDIN Summer Research Fellowship Final Report
- Research
This report summarizes the research of IDIN 2017 Summer Research Fellow Jessica Huang, who conducted qualitative field research in several indigenous communities surrounding Lake Atitlán in the Sololá Department of Guatemala. This report presents a stakeholder map which was developed as well as findings from community focus groups exploring topics related to local innovation, including the perceived impacts of IDDS projects and factors influencing collaboration within and between communities.
Vertical Farming with Rainwater Drip-Irrigation, IDDS Climate Change Adaptation
- Presentations & Reports
IDDS participants and community members designed an alternative agricultural production system that optimizes the use of water using low cost technologies and less space. The prototype consists of a covered system of vertical orchards that collect rainwater and is estimated to yield 2.7-4.4 times as much compared to traditional farms using the same area of land. This report is in Spanish.
This report was created by a team of participants at IDDS Climate Change Adaptation. It aims to share information and knowledge gleaned from the team’s work during the summit.
Weed Excavator, IDDS Climate Change Adaptation
- Presentations & Reports
IDDS participants and community members created a prototype weed excavator consisting of a jagged cyclone with an adaptable handle. It was designed to facilitate weed excavation, soil rejuvenation, and shorter manual labor time. This report is in Spanish.
This report was created by a team of participants at IDDS Climate Change Adaptation. It aims to share information and knowledge gleaned from the team’s work during the summit.
Floating Platform, IDDS Climate Change Adaptation
- Presentations & Reports
IDDS participants and community members designed a floating device made from guadua bamboo, hermetic tanks, and threads from recycled plastic bottles to promote ecological tourism. The platforms can support approximately 1,500 pounds with space for multiple people and are composed of materials available in the community. This report is in Spanish.
This report was created by a team of participants at IDDS Climate Change Adaptation. It aims to share information and knowledge gleaned from the team’s work during the summit.
Canoe Repair and Transformation System, IDDS Climate Change Adaptation
- Presentations & Reports
IDDS participants and community members developed a canoe-cover system that promoted ecological tourism during the summer using aluminum poles and a protective and light covering. The system provides an economic alternative for families and protects the river bed and sand banks. This report is in Spanish.
This report was created by a team of participants at IDDS Climate Change Adaptation. It aims to share information and knowledge gleaned from the team’s work during the summit.
Rainwater Collection and Storage System, IDDS Climate Change Adaptation
- Presentations & Reports
IDDS Climate Change participants and community members developed a system of rainwater collection and storage meant to benefit the community. It uses guadua bamboo, PVC pipes and water cooler bottles to harvest rainwater for production and family consumption. This report is in Spanish.
This report was designed by a team of participants at IDDS Climate Change Adaptation. It aims to share information and knowledge gleaned from the team’s work during the summit.

EZ NCORO Human-Powered Washing Machine Report, IDDS Botswana
- Presentations & Reports
The Ez Ncoro Team built a simple, low-cost, human-powered washing machine with the aim of reducing the time and effort required to wash clothes and conserving water, a precious commodity for the D’kar residents. With such a product, the D’kar community, especially the women (who are culturally assigned the role of washing clothes) can use their extra time towards rearing their families or running businesses.
This posted was designed by a team of participants at IDDS Botswana. It aims to share information and knowledge gleaned from the team’s work during the summit.