Resource Library

At IDIN, we’re all about learning, especially when it’s hands-on. Here we’ve compiled some of our favorite resources, many of which are used at our trainings and summits around the world.

ASAP Project Report, IDDS Lahore

  • Presentations & Reports

IDDS Lahore participants and community members from the Automatic SMS Attendance Program (ASAP) team designed a database of students' attendance dynamics that also enables schools to manage communications between the school's administration and parents. For more information, contact

This report was written and filed by a team of participants at the International Development Design Summit in Lahore, Pakistan focused on creating information communications and technology solutions for development challenges. It is not final or comprehensive, but seeks to share information and knowledge gleaned from the team’s work during the summit.

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Collaborative Ecological Design Process Report, IDDS Amazon

  • Presentations & Reports

Drawing on permaculture principles and using a holistic approach, IDDS Amazon participants worked to deepen connections between each of the summit projects in support of community engagement and continuity. The team conducted a community needs inventory, a waste management system, a conservation strategy, and community advocacy tools such as a politician’s letter. This set of tools will empower the community to addressing issues important to them, including healthcare, waste management, community agriculture, education, and transportation.

This report was written and filed by a team of participants at IDDS Amazon. It aims to share information and knowledge gleaned from the team’s work during the summit.

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Soil and Bio-fertilizer Measurement Kit, IDDS Climate Change Adaptation

  • Presentations & Reports

IDDS participants and community members created a low cost and easy to use measuring kit. The prototype uses a simple micro-computer and copper wires to measure temperature and humidity in soil and bio-fertilizers. This report is in Spanish.

This report was created by a team of participants at IDDS Climate Change Adaptation. It aims to share information and knowledge gleaned from the team’s work during the summit.

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Soil Fertility Project Report, IDDS Tanzania

  • Presentations & Reports

IDDS participants and community members developed a small-scale manure spreader to improve soil fertility. For more information about this project, contact

This report was written and filed by a team of participants at the International Development Design Summit in Tanzania. It is not final or comprehensive, but seeks to share information and knowledge gleaned from the team’s work during the summit.

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Iron Supplementation Device Project Report, IDDS Aarogyam

  • Presentations & Reports

IDDS  Aarogyam participants and community members from the StayPink group created a low cost prototype that dispenses iron into local water filtration systems to prevent anemia.   For more information about this project, read the attached report and see contact details on the final page of the report.

This report was written and filed by a team of participants at the International Development Design Summit focusing on good health (Aarogyam) in Chennai, India. It is not final or comprehensive, but seeks to share information and knowledge gleaned from the team’s work during the summit.

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Rah-e-Maa Report, IDDS Lahore

  • Presentations & Reports

IDDS Lahore participants and community members from the Rah-e-Maa team created a hotline for fathers to ask a doctor’s advice for questions they may have about maternal health. For more information about this project, contact

This report was written and filed by a team of participants at the International Development Design Summit in Lahore, Pakistan focused on creating information communications and technology solutions for development challenges. It is not final or comprehensive, but seeks to share information and knowledge gleaned from the team’s work during the summit.

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XG'AE Interlocking Blocks Poster, IDDS Botswana

  • Presentations & Reports

The Xg’ae team explored different ways of creating durable, cost-effective ways of housing. They built a press to make interlocking blocks which can be assembled into traditional round houses called rondavels with no mortar or skilled labor. These interlocking blocks will create comfortable and long-lasting homes that will promote the safety and well-being of the D’kar community, especially in the event of natural disasters such as flooding.

This poster was designed by a team of participants at IDDS Botswana. It aims to share information and knowledge gleaned from the team’s work during the summit.

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Diversifying the Insides of the Totumo Fruit, IDDS Climate Change Adaptation

  • Presentations & Reports

IDDS participants and community members designed two machines to make use of the normally wasted parts of the totumo fruit. The first machine extracted fiber form the pulp and guts while the second maneuvered the fiber into a paper-like material. The project was meant to reduce waste and diversify the resources of the artisans that work with the fruit. This report is in Spanish.

This report was created by a team of participants at IDDS Climate Change Adaptation. It aims to share information and knowledge gleaned from the team’s work during the summit.

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A Look into IDDS Tanzania

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At the International Development Design Summit in Tanzania, the avocado and coffee processing teams work hand-in-hand with farmers in Leguruki to improve agricultural practices.

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Meet the International Development Innovation Network

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Meet the International Development Innovation Network, a group of nearly 500 innovators from around the world designing, developing, and disseminating low-cost technologies to improve the lives of people living in poverty. 

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