Resource Library

At IDIN, we’re all about learning, especially when it’s hands-on. Here we’ve compiled some of our favorite resources, many of which are used at our trainings and summits around the world.

IDIN Chapter Funding Application

  • How-to

This document explains how to apply for funding to support activites organized by an IDIN local chapter. 

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IDIN Chapter Activity Ideas

  • How-to

This document gives IDIN local chapters ideas for organizing and hosting different events on local innovation and design. 

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IDIN Maker Space Ideas

  • How-to

This document provides guidance on how to start a maker or innovation space. 

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IDIN Innovation Center Tips to Engage Community Members

  • How-to

This document gives Innovation Centers in the IDIN Network ideas on how to engage local community members in their activities and trainings. 

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Build-It: Battery-Operated Wood Block Phone Charger

  • How-to

This Build-It describes the tools and processes needed to build a battery-operated wood block phone charger.

Build-Its are curriculum designed to help experienced designers guide potential innovators through a design process and help familiarize new innovators with tools. All Builds-Its are a work-in-progress. Please master the Build-It individually before leading a larger group.

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Tips for Writing a Grant

  • How-to

This document provides guidance on writing a grant for a project. It is tailored to IDIN Network members applying for a microgrant, but its lessons are also applicable to other grants.

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IDIN Mentorship Toolkit

  • How-to

This toolkit is designed for IDIN mentors and their mentees to build productive and meaningful relationships during the microgrant process. It includes tips for mentoring as well as individual tools and progress trackers. 

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IDIN Targeting Checklist

  • How-to

This checklist was designed to help IDIN partners assess their targeting and outreach strategies.

For more information on the assessment, see the IDIN blog: On target: How do you get the right people in the door?

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IDIN Summer Research Fellows Report- Indonesia and Malaysia

  • Research

This report summarizes the work of IDIN Summer Research Fellow Kelly Heber Dunning, who traveled to Malaysia and Indonesia during Summer 2015 to study community-based approaches to managing coastal natural resources such as coral reefs and mangroves. This research, which forms part of Kelly's doctoral dissertation, finds that community-based resource management arrangements afford greater opportunities for innovation in natural resource management and sustainable livilihood development compared to top-down management arrangements.

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Lean Research Working Paper

  • Research

This is an early draft of a working paper co-developed by members of the Lean Research initiative at the Tufts Fletcher School, the Feinstein International Center, and MIT D-Lab.  We are distributing this initial version to stimulate dialogue on this topic among researchers, practitoners, policymakers, funders, and students conducting research in the contexts of international development and humanitarian work. 

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