IDDS Botswana
Jun 25 - Jul 23, 2016

Event Description
IDDS Botswana was held at a crucial moment in Botswana’s history—at the crosshairs the 50th anniversary of Botswana’s independence and the introduction of a new National Development Plan—creating opportunities and synergies for IDDS to have a larger impact.
IDDS Botswana built upon the lessons learned from IDDS D’Kar, which was held last summer, and focused on work with the artistic San culture. IDDS Botswana provided continuity to ongoing projects through the eyes of nearly 30 new participants, some local and some international.
Projects included:
- A press to make interlocking blocks
- A Morama nut sheller
- A human-powered washing machine
- A solar bead furnace
- A deep sand wheelchair
- A sustainable tea maker
Local Host and Organizing Partners: