What Happens Post-IDDS?: Reflections from Guatemala

IDDS Hogares Sostenibles took place in Sololá, Guatemala from June 4th to 20th. Forty-five participants from across the globe gathered to co-create solutions to local problems, from alternative fuel briquettes to water-catchment systems to prevent water shortage. After the summit, participants headed back to their respective countries and cities around the world.
Since the summit, some teams have already made progress, remaining in contact and deciding what strategies are best for advancing their projects. The Energy team and both Cookstoves teams have held meetings and followed up with their projects on the ground. The Cookstoves teams are also looking for ways to collaborate, and team members in Santa Catarina have taken the lead on continuity.
This year, the IDIN Monitoring & Evaluation Fellows have had a unique opportunity. Beyond the summit, Fellows were able to work with local partner organizations to contribute to their initiatives in different ways. In Guatemala, Link4 wanted to learn more about what community members of Santa Catarina desired and to gauge their interest in getting involved with the initiative in the future.
Over the course of July, IDDS participants from Santa Catarina and I had the opportunity to speak with nearly 200 community members, learning about their struggles, desires and interest in being involved with Hogares Sostenibles going forward.
Here’s some of the data that we’ve uncovered!
184 Respondents
Cooking was the top priority theme among women, while Water was the top theme among men, and #2 overall.
Cooking was a top interest among respondents at #1, followed by Ceramics (#2) and Gardening (#3).
Using this information, Link4 can proceed with the Hogares Sostenibles initiative not only with participant feedback, but by incorporating the opinions of more individuals community-wide.
P.S. Along the way, we spotted some local creations and innovations worth sharing. Check them out:
Home garden created from a recycled Coca-Cola bottle.
Local weaving creations.
Baby bassinet created using macrame and rebar.
Insulation created with used egg cartons.
Clear plastic panels fit into tin roofing, allowing for natural light to enter the room.