Insider Outsider Development: Where Do You Stand?

This November, MIT's International Development Innovation Network (IDIN) and Comprehensive Initiative on Technology Evaluation (CITE) co-hosted TechCon 2016 with our partners at USAID. One of the most interactive keynote sessions was "Insider Outsider Development: Where Do You Stand?" which asked the diverse audience gathered at the conference to question their own status and position as global development practitioners, acknowledging both the risks and benefits that "outsiders," or Western-born and educated development practitioners bring to their work in places like Latin America, Africa, and Southeast Asia.
Olin College of Engineering Professor & IDIN Co-Director Ben Linder moderated the session, which included speaker perspectives from Founder of Design That Matters Tim Prestero, Director of the Self-Employed Women's Association Reema Nanavaty, and Assistant Professor in the Sam Nunn School of International Affairs at Georgia Tech Kirk Bowman.
You can watch the full session here:
Part of the session involved the audience sharing their perspectives on a variety of questions via mobile voting. You can explore their answers below: