Call for IDDS 2023 Summits!

All groups and organizations interested in submitting an expression of interest for organizing an IDDS in 2023 can do so until August 7, 2022.
Read on for more info on what you need to organize a summit and what support IDIN can offer.
What does it take to organize an IDDS?
From more than 10 years of organizing design summits, we have learned that it takes:
- An organizing team of 10 - 15 dedicated people, the majority of whom have attended an IDDS, and at least 3 or 4 who have helped to organize a summit before. The team should include:
- A lead organizing team of 2 – 3 people who take ownership of the overall management of the summit (both curriculum and logistics), and who are keen to build project management, problem-solving, and team building skills.
- Strong representation from the community partners (where at least one community member is an organizer)
- At least 2 people with strong tools and workshop experience
- Design facilitators (one per project team)
- A participant experience coordinator
- A communications manager
- One or two dedicated logistic coordinators
- A financial manager
- A health and safety coordinator
NB: Not all these people need to be identified at the time of the application; we suggest that some of these roles be left open and filled through an organizer application process.
- An enthusiastic and committed local community partner or partners
- Initial ideas for projects that fit in with the goals and theme of the summit
- Approximately $20,000 USD - $80,000 USD for a two-week summit, (and $80,000 USD - $100,000 USD for a four-week summit) depending on number of people, cost of venue, and how many participant and organizer flights you choose to cover. Not all of the funds need to be secured at the time of the application. However, there should be a strong fundraising plan in place
What is the timeline?
- 7 August, 2022: Expression of Interest Due
- 31 August - 30 September, 2022: IDIN Steering Committee will reach out to potential summits to ask for further details & clarifications - and also assist with filling any gaps. This is a period of co-creating a full proposal, as the IDIN Steering Committee is hoping to help you build your vision and put together as strong a proposal as possible
- 31 October, 2022: Full Proposal Due
- Mid November, 2022: IDDS Lead Organizing Teams Notified
- December, 2022: Assignment of IDIN Steering Committee Mentor to each team, and the calls with IDDS Lead Organizing Teams begin
What type of support is available for IDDS in 2023?
While there will be no central funding awarded this year, if you and your team are approved to host an IDDS in 2023, the IDIN Steering Committee will provide:
- A mentor from IDIN who will support you as you go through the planning process
- Access to organizer and participant application tools and processes
- IDDS Planning Map + Guide outlining key steps on your journey to leading a team, hosting a summit, and some tips for planning a summit
- IDDS curricular tools and materials
- Official IDDS branding rights and permissions; including event spotlighting on the IDIN website and membership into the IDIN Directory on the website and the All IDDS Facebook group
- Basic Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning resources to track the outputs & outcomes of your summit
- Introductions to interested organizations, universities, and IDIN network members working in the related project space
- Encouragement, connections, and guidance from the entire IDIN Steering Committee
What are the evaluation criteria?
To receive IDDS branding and support, all applications will be evaluated using the following criteria:
- Alignment with IDDS goals, spirit, and philosophy (
- Relationship with community partner(s)
- Post-IDDS continuity plan
- A strong plan for ensuring the health and safety of all participants and organisers
- Strength and ability of organizing team leadership
- Organizing team's past performance (if relevant)
- Ability to independently raise funds
If you have any other questions, feel free to email IDIN Steering Committee at