How can I apply to take part in a design summit?
International Development Design Summits are hosted in different countries throughout the year. Sign up for our mailing list and check our applications page for the latest on summit applications.
When and where is the next design summit taking place?
Check our events calendar for details on the next International Development Design Summit.
Can I attend more than one design summit?
Due to high demand, individuals can only participate in a full-length summit one time. Depending on an individual’s skill set, they may also be eligible to attend a themed summit as determined by the IDDS Steering Committee.
After participating in any summit, individuals become part of the IDIN Network and can get involved as a summit organizer or a part of their local chapter.
My organization wants to host a design summit. How do we apply?
The IDDS Steering Committee accepts proposals to host a design summit througout the year. Learn more about hosting a design summit here.
Do I need to be from the country I wish to host a summit in?
Not necessarily, but we require that the summit’s lead organizer has lived there and/or is familiar with the culture, context, and language for the country.